Apollonia Ochieng joined the board in March 2024 and is the Chair of Audit and Risk Management (ARM) and Secretary of the Information Communications and Technology (ICT) Committees.
She is an expert in Grants, Accounting and Financial management. She is well-versed in multi-donor reporting, strategic financial management, treasury management, design and implementation of systems and tools that promote internal and external accountability, and grant contract management.
Furthermore, she specializes in integrating risk management into routine management processes, managing large and complex budgets, and financial audits. She ensures adherence to Standard Operating Procedures, rules and regulations, and statutory and legal standards of the host countries. One of her achievements is setting up financial management systems and tools for donor programs in Results-Based Financing, Renewable Energy, Health services, Agriculture, and Climate Resilience, as well as Kenya government projects.
Currently, she is working with the World Resources Institute as a Grants Manager, leading the grants financial, contract, and audit management of the P4G project. Previously, she worked with SNV Netherlands Development Organization, International Business and Technical Consultants Inc. (IBTCI), and RedR UK. She holds a Master of Science in Finance and a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and is a member of the Institute of Certified Accountants Kenya (ICPAK).